

6 months


personal development






10 AM - 5 PM



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Have great business ideas? Learn how to turn your ideas into fruition by designing, funding, and growing your own business.


About the Course 

Ever had the greatest business idea in your mind, but did not know where to start? 

You can start here! 

Entrepreneurs are believed to have been born with the skills that are required to run a successful venture. But, that is not true. The skills that are needed in an entrepreneur can be taught just like any other technical skill. 

This course covers everything you need to build new businesses and grow them. From helping you learn about growth, financing, profits, marketing, organisation and so much more to grooming you to have a mindset of a proper entrepreneur, you will get everything in this course.


What will you learn: 

  • Complete A-Z roadmap of steps to start a business

  • Gain critical decision-making skills 

  • Write a business plan and growth strategy that succeeds

  • Increase confidence and build an entrepreneurial mindset 

  • Learn about marketing, brand management, and financing

  • Growth Strategies

  • Finance

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Elevator Pitch

  • Brand Management

  • Strategic Management

  • Marketing

Choose a Swivt Education & Elevate your career

From world-class curriculum and professional mentors, to array of learning resources and amazing job opportunities, Swivt education has it all.

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